Training for six-pack abs - the very, very, very beginning

If your goal is to get six-pack abs, you have to start somewhere. And unfortunately, most of the advice out there starts waaaay too far into the process. So today I want to talk about the very, very, very beginning. So if you're already into the process, you can skip this.

Start with saying to yourself that you want six-pack abs, maybe mention to a friend that you want six-pack abs, go onto the internet and find pictures of six-pack abs. Yes, that's where you start. It's starts with your mind, and your body will follow (sorry if I'm sounding all mystical here, but it's really true).

And now brace yourself for the negativity, even from close friends. It could come from a place of caring, with them worrying that you might hurt yourself, or it could be some jerk who just gets his kicks from discouraging people (you'll find a lot of those stinkers on the internet). You will need to be a man of steel mentally to just have their stupid comments bounce off of you, like bullets bouncing off of Superman's chest.

Make a goal, even if it seems unrealistic - maybe by the end of the year. As you begin the process you'll learn more, but this is the time for optimism.

Surround yourself with people who will encourage you, believe me they're out there. You've found me, right?

You can do this - and this is how you begin.


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