Losing the last five pounds

If your goal is to have visible abs, you will need to lose the last five pounds, which will be brutally hard. Your body really doesn't want to do this, it really isn't necessary for your health, and if you find that it's not worth the trouble, I really can't blame you.

First of all, let's be clear here - you're already very lean, and this is just a personal choice to achieve a goal that's very hard to do, like climbing a mountain, or something. Some people just like the feeling of gritting their teeth, struggling against the current, and seeing what they can do under very difficult circumstances. Yeah, they're a bit crazy. That's me.

As of this writing (October 2nd) my goal is to lose the last five pounds by the end of year. I weighed in at 165 this morning, am about six feet tall (which is how most guys who are 5' 10" describe themselves), and I figure that 160 should put me in the condition of being able to audition for the next Wolverine, and at the very least carve off the little "pudge" that I still carry around my waist.

Five pounds really doesn't sound like much, but once you're close to getting into the teens BMI, it becomes a real challenge. And the biggest challenge is to not go the other way, and gain more fat. Just holding that weight steady is a challenge, and reducing it is a challenge on top of a challenge.

What's the you say? Challenge accepted? OK, you asked for it. Allow yourself two solid months to get there, and expect to go back and forth a bit as you progress, because your body will fight back very hard. Get on a reasonable low-calorie diet, don't starve yourself, and keep moving.

I've done this before, and I can do it again. Don't ask me how I did it, I just did it, it was hard. I hope this helps.


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