Building muscle at home with dumbbells

I started buying dumbbells, good ones, little by little, many years ago and nowadays I'm not even tempted to pay for a gym membership. This may, or may not be right for you, but it works for me, and I'll tell you the reasons why.

And no, it's not because I'm too cheap to pay for a gym membership, there are a lot of gyms right nearby me here in suburban Phoenix, and I'd gladly pay for a membership if I wanted one - but I'd rather train at home.

I don't know about you, but when I train I want to focus. I don't want to be concerned that I might not be able to get the machine I want when I want it, or a bench because the gym might be crowded, or someone may have been sitting there scrolling on their phone for twenty minutes. I suppose if I were younger I wouldn't mind, but I'm older now, and I'm spoiled by having dumbbells here at home.

I like training, and I don't need anyone to motivate me. Training doesn't require a partner, or a group, for me. I use dumbbells, and I don't need a spotter. I also use resistance bands, and I don't need a spotter for those, either.

Did I mention that there's a convenient bathroom just a few steps away from my workout room (which had been a spare bedroom)? Oh yeah, and a refrigerator, and a pantry with anything I want at my fingertips.

I try to keep my workout room neat, but often I'll just drop the dumbbells on the floor and walk away. I may put them away later that day, or the next morning - no one complains.

As I sit here talking to you, I'm pondering whether I want to do a couple more sets, maybe light ones just to pump some blood, which I'm convinced will make me less sore tomorrow (I don't know whether that's true or not, but I'd like to believe that it is). Or I may just go outside and play with my dogs, my dumbbells will wait for me.


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