Building health and fitness as a solitary pursuit

There are many things in life that require more than one person to be enjoyable, like tennis, or volleyball. But there are a lot of things that you can do alone, like walking, riding your bike, that sort of thing. And I'm going to recommend that you find things that you can do alone to build your health and fitness.

Yes, I know that misery loves company, but if you're doing something that makes you miserable, you need to find something else. If you need constant hand-holding and encouragement then you haven't found that thing yet. It should be something that you enjoy so much that you'll do it alone.

Of course, building health and fitness isn't for everybody. While I'm enthusiastic about it, I don't expect everyone else to be. The fact that you're here reading this means that you at least have a small amount of interest. So this is what I suggest for you: Do it alone.

I like to ride my recumbent trike just about every morning. In fact, I have to kinda force myself to skip a day in order to give my legs a bit of a rest. Having someone come along with me, egging me on, just isn't necessary, and it's the same for my workouts with my dumbbells and resistance bands.

Now calm down there already, I'm not suggesting that you become anti-social and live like a hermit. But I am suggesting that you dedicate some "me time" (well, "you time") and carve out an hour or two just for yourself. I carry along my phone for emergencies, but otherwise I'm not on it, except to take pics, or make videos.

This works for me, and it may work for you. Here, I'll show you what my world looks like in the morning:


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